The brief from Boys + Girls prescribed a creative proposition to "Unmask Ireland's Biggest Killer", which is heart disease, a fact that is unknown to many Irish People.
The target audience was described as the mystery, true-crime, binge-watching, podcast listening, young professionals, who despite being up to date on the latest zeitgeist defining murder mystery, they don't know or care that heart disease is Ireland's Biggest Killer.

My Creative Idea was to give the target audience a mystery to solve, asking them to "Unmask the Killer". First up, an activation of putting killer masks on famous statues around Ireland, pushed out on social, with accompanying clean graffiti clue of "Unmask the Killer". This creates a mystery to be solved.

This is followed later by Out Of Home which feature famous killer masks, which lead to the website UnmaskTheKiller.ie.

This is followed later by Out Of Home which feature famous killer masks, which lead to the website UnmaskTheKiller.ie.

At the UnmaskTheKiller.ie, our intrepid audiences will find the Unmask the Killer podcast in the style of true-crime podcast such as Serial or West Cork, which reveals that Ireland's biggest killer is heart disease and features interviews with leading cardiac experts, dieticians, fitness experts and stories from people who have been assisted by the Irish Heart Foundation, explaining what it does and how you can help.

The brief from Boys + Girls with the creative proposition “Unmask the Killer”.

The brief from Boys + Girls with the creative proposition “Unmask the Killer”.